We at Mr. Espresso are grateful for Community. The Mr. Espresso In Our Hearts Fund was established to support community causes we hold near and dear in our hearts, particularly food justice and related educational initiatives. A portion of retail coffee purchases from home-brewing customers goes directly to the fund.

Among the coffee community initiatives we proudly support:

Grounds for Health

Among the local initiatives we proudly support:

Alameda County Community Food Bank

Alameda Meals on Wheels

All Good Living Foundation

Compass Family Services

Make a Wish Greater Bay Area

Meals on Wheels Diablo Region

Meals on Wheels San Francisco

No Kid Hungry

St. Anthony’s Dining Room

San Francisco-Marin Food Bank


The Roots Run Deep Fund was established as an ongoing commitment to support local efforts guided by a mission to right the scales of justice and opportunity for the underserved among us.

We have selected our most popular coffee, the Seven Bridges Blend — named for the seven bridges that connect the Bay Area’s richly diverse peoples — as a catalyst for this campaign. Through your brew-at-home purchase of Mr. Espresso Seven Bridges Blend, we will connect in bridging the gaps that have existed in our communities for too long. Currently, 20% of revenue from home customer purchases of Seven Bridges is being directed to the Roots Run Deep Fund.

NOTE: The Roots Run Deep mural, by artist David “Meggs” Hooke, graces our building wall on Martin Luther King, Jr., Boulevard. We draw great inspiration from the mural. Roots Run Deep tells the story of our pride in Oakland — our city and our people. Our deepest thanks to Meggs for his support of this effort.

Currently, Roots Run Deep funds are being directed to the following initiatives:

Community Kitchens

The East Oakland Collective

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Do you know of a food-related community organization or BIPOC-led effort that could use our help?

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