Honored to be featured on Forbes.com in this great piece by Stacy Adimando!

Mr. Espresso in Oakland, Ca. Sept. 4, 2013. Photo by Nader Khouri

“Not sixty seconds after I’ve walked through the door, Luigi is putting a steaming espresso in my hand. As he steers a tiny spoonful of sugar toward my cup with pride, intensity and know-how in his eyes, he instructs me on what to do next: “Let the sugar sink in just beneath the foam, take one sip, then swirl your cup like this.” I quickly recognize that this is not the time to tell him I don’t take sugar in my coffee.”

Read the full article here: http://www.forbes.com/sites/stacyadimando/2015/10/15/why-this-35-year-old-coffee-company-is-stronger-than-ever/#54da6e706c66