When working with new customers, we always extend an invitation for them to come to Oakland for a visit. We know how important it is for people to feel a connection with their roaster, and that starts with seeing things in action at Mr. Espresso. We understand, though, that sometimes life gets in the way, schedules are cluttered, and people are unable to pull themselves away from their restaurants/cafes long enough to make the trip to Jack London Square. Thus, we often find ourselves taking the experience to them!
The brewing process begins.
While not as comprehensive as a visit to 3rd Street, we think we provide our customers a great experience whether we are tasting coffee samples in San Francisco, San Jose or Carmel. As you will see in the montage of photos here, we are very proud of the tasting kit we have assembled! The kit allows us to present Mr. Espresso coffees the same way they would be prepared if being sampled from our showroom coffee bar in Oakland.
We wont bore you with all the details (though if you would like to be bored with them give us a call because we love talking about them!), but the process behind sampling our coffees is fairly complex. We take a great deal of time making sure all the variables are properly monitored. From water temperature, to the grind setting, to timing each brew, we leave no stone unturned in the process. By focusing on each detail, we are able to provide our customers with the best sample possible. Its a sample that replicates what they can expect from our coffee, paired with our brewing systems, as they serve it to their customers. We have a lot of fun with it and our customers do, too!